Founded April 17, 1955

Adelphi Presbyterian Church has been a beacon of faith and community outreach in Adelphi, MD for over 50 years. Founded in 1955, our church community is built upon these foundational principles – Welcoming – Diverse – Progressive. Adelphi strives to equip its members to be faithful followers of Christ, called to share love, compassion, welcome, healing, kindness, justice, forgiveness, and peace to all. Through worship, prayer, meditation, study, outreach and fellowship, Adelphi is a community always working to deepen relationships with friends, family, co-workers, strangers and most importantly, Christ. In a world that grows increasingly disconnected, Adelphi endeavors to be a place of connection with the community, the world and the divine.

In the early 1950’s, the area now surrounding these church grounds was rural and sparsely settled. New homes began to be built in the community which came to be known as Adelphi. Amongst those first home buyers were Christians who had heard the message of Jesus Christ and whose history had been Presbyterian. These people had met informally on several occasions and discussed the possibility of organizing a Presbyterian Church in Adelphi. The Holy Spirit, which infused the early disciples, led these men and women to continue meeting and talking with others. Initial contacts were made with what was then known as Washington City Presbytery. Several people from what was then known as Sherwood Presbyterian Church (now Northeastern Presbyterian) were spearheading the creation of a church in Adelphi. They were blessed in their efforts because on Sunday, April 17, 1955, “in response to a petition from the congregation at the Adelphi Mission, a committee appointed by the Presbytery attended the morning service in the temporary quarters in the Seventh Day Adventist Church (now the Christadelphians on Riggs Road) for the purpose of organizing the congregation as a particular church of the Presbytery of Washington City. The committee included:

  • The Rev. Carl G. Howie, Chairman, National Missions Committee
  • The Rev. Ralph Merker, Executive Presbyter
  • Elder Roy Clarke, Sherwood Presbyterian Church
  • Elder Raymond Murphy, Sherwood Presbyterian Church, Clerk
  • The Rev. Joseph Dana

The following people became the first members of Adelphi Presbyterian:

By Certificate of Transfer

  • and Mrs. Devid F. Beard, from Northminister Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohi
  • W. M. Campbell from Riverdale Presbyterian Church, Riverdale, Maryland
  • and Mrs. Benjamin Massey from Riverdale Presbyterian Church, Riverdale, MD.
  • and Mrs Percy Johnston from the Branchville Methodist Church, Branchville, MD.
  • and Mrs. Gerald Keyser Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lohr
  • Virginia A. Sigafoose from Berwyn Presbyterian Church, Berwyn, Maryland
  • and Mrs. Richard Lenzner from Hyattsville Presbyterian Church, Hyattsville, MD
  • Alice Lutz from Fourth Presbyterian, Washington, D.C.
  • and Mrs. David Reid from Maxwell St. Presbyterian Church, Lexington, KY. Mr.
  • Carl Nordeen from Mt. Rainier Christian Church, Mt. Rainer, MD.
  • and Mrs. R. Lyle Werth from Sherwood Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.


Re-Affirmation of Faith

  • Mildred L. Bowers
  • Leslie J. Schley
  • and Mrs. Charles E. Swanson Mr.
  • Roy Van Wolfe, Jr.
  • Miss Joan Beard & Miss Nancy Beard
  • Miss Lorna Campbell

First Class of Elders

  • Lyle Werth
  • Benjamin H. Massey
  • David A. Reid David F. Board
  • Arthur J. Lohr

As the young church with its thirty members and duly constituted session was formed, its first order of business was to organize a committee to search for a pastor and to begin organizing the session into committees.

On July 1, 1955, the church’s first pastor was called. He was the Rev. Samuel Mujais. Under his leadership and the leadership of the first session, the church vent about the tasks of electing a treasurer, organizing a Christian Education program, as well as trying to secure a permanent place for worship and a manse for the minister. Early meetings of the church committees were being held in people’s homes. In addition, an evangelism committee was busy at work obtaining new members.

The church went about its organizational tasks. The church began to grow. It was not easy. Finances were difficult and appeals were made to Presbytery for aid. At the end of 1955 membership stood at 38 with about $200.00 in the bank.

  • 1956 brought in more members and increased finances with a building fund started. In addition, a Board of Deacons was organized. Membership, finances, and organization continued to improve.
  • In 1958 a Building Plans Committee was organized for the purpose of planning a building for the Adelphi Presbyterian Church on land at the corner of Riggs and Buck Lodge which had been purchased by Washington City Presbytery years ago. The congregation grew and was outgrowing the present worship facility.
  • Beginning in 1959 with a congregation of about 130 people, worship services were held at the Buck Lodge Junior High School (now Middle School) as plans for the new building proceeded.
  • On Apr11 20, 1959, Adelphi Presbyterian Church officially received permission to borrow “in the name of Washington City Presbytery up to $35,000 to complete a first unit building program not to exceed $55,000 including architect fees”.”

Rev. Sam Mujais resigned his position as pastor late in 1960 to accept a call to another church. His position as moderator of the session was taken by Rev. Amos Wilkie and then Rev. Donald Upton served as interim from October 1, 1960, until April 14, 1961.

His leadership was crucial. He kept the church together and helped to heal the divisions which had occurred. He served well until The Rev. Zane Bolinger became the second called pastor of the church. Under his leadership, the sanctuary was built and dedicated on Sunday, October 1, 1961.


Rev. Bolinger remained as the pastor through 1971. The church grew and prospered under his leadership. Toward the end of 1971, an attempt was made to perhaps remodel the present facility or to add a new structure for worship. But with finances low and attendance down, this effort was postponed. Following Rev. Bolinger’s resignation to accept a call to the First Presbyterian Church of Ossining, New York, The Rev. Tom Miles became the interim pastor until February 1973 when Rev. Condro was called as Adelphi’s third pastor.

Under his leadership and with a great deal of help from session and the members of Adelphi Presbyterian, the sanctuary was renovated in 1974. Pews were added, carpeting installed, colors coordinated, wood paneling placed in front and rear with a lighted cross in front. Woven wood shades were added and later improved lighting to complete the renovation of the sanctuary. It was dedicated on Sunday, June 15, 1975.

Shortly after the completion of the renovation program, a person donated the organ and speaker system to complete the new sanctuary.

In 1982, concerns were raised about the adequacy of the existing educational facility. Families with children were increasing in numbers making a Christian Education Program of Sunday School very difficult to carry out. After some delays, a committee was organized and in 1983, the congregation gave its approval to move ahead with an addition to the existing building to be used for classroom space and nursery facilities. Through help from the Presbytery and generous contributions from the membership, ground for the new addition was broken following worship on Sunday, October 9, 1983. In addition, memorial funds were used to renovate and improve the kitchen. Construction and renovation were completed on schedule and on Sunday, April 8, 1984, the new building, and kitchen. facilities were dedicated. Throughout these 33 years, Adelphi Presbyterian Church has sought to serve its membership and the local community in witnessing to their faith in Jesus Christ. Over the years, many mission programs were created, a strong Christian.



  • Sam J. Mujais – April 17, 1955 – September 30, 1960
  • Donald Upton (interim) – October 1, 1960 – April 14, 1961
  • Zane B. Bolinger (interim) – April 15, 1961 – January 14, 1962
  • Zane B. Bolinger – January 14, 1962 – November 15, 1971
  • Thomas Miles (interim) – January 2, 1972 – January 28, 1973
  • Joseph F. Condro – February 19, 1973 – August 9, 1992
  • Rhoda C. Nixon – (Minister of Evangelism) – January 1, 1992 — July 31, 1994
  • Lynn Stanton Hoyle (interim) – December 7, 1992 – June 30, 1994
  • Sam Alexander – July 1, 1994 – July 31, 2000
  • Nancy Clark (interim) – August 20, 2000 – May 15, 2003
  • Y. Eunice Yang – May 25, 2003 – June 30, 2008
  • Rev Karen Dotti (interim) – January 1, 2009 – March 30, 2013
  • Rev Michael McNamara – April 1, 2013 – July 31, 2020
  • Rev Jeri Fields (interim) – April 1, 2021 – August 31, 2024
  • Le Quan Turner (Commissioned Ruling Elder) – Sept 1, 2024 to present

Charter Members

R. Lyle Werth Margaret Werth
David A. Reid Elsie Reid
David F. Beard Kathryn Beard
Percy Johnston Willicome Johnston
Arthur Lohr Alice Lohr
Mrs. Wendell Campbell Joan Beard
Nancy Beard Roy VanWolfe, Jr.
Doris VanWolfe Carl Nordeen, Jr.
June Nordeen Lorna Campbell
Gerald Keyser Corlinda Keyser
Virginia Sigafoose Alice Lutz
Benjamin Massey Arabella Massey
Richard Lenzner Lucille Lenzner
Mildred Bowers Leslie Schley
Charles Swanson Mrs. Charles Swanson
Kathryn Hall Walter Little
Marie Little