Early February we will begin a new 3-4 week online Bible Study called: The Jesus Challenge: 21 Days of Loving God and Loving Others by Justin LaRosa. Watch for future announcements. The online description follows. I pray you will take this 21-day challenge!
Our culture seems to be busier and more technologically connected than in any time in history, and this requires more intentionality to stay in relationship with God and cultivate deeper relationships with others. We must find ways to mitigate distracted living, because it is diminishing our ability as Christ followers to live out Jesus’ greatest commandments: to love God and love others. This is a journey that never ends, and it is a journey that requires focus.
The antidote to distraction is focused love. The Jesus Challenge: 21 Days of Loving God and Neighbor is a 3-week journey to help you become more attentive to your relationship with God. This book invites you to move from forgetfulness to remembering, from distraction to intentionality, and from self-sufficiency to God-reliance, so that you can live lives that center on loving God and loving others as ourselves